Unframed Student Art Show

Painted Canvas
Artwork Title

Student Name

School Name


Unframed Student Art Show

Painted Canvas
Learning to weld a broken heart to the crack of dawn

Juliana Cruty

Breaking the Silence

Amelia Parsons

One Point Perspective

Sofia Martinez Aguilar

Slab wall pocket

Osiel Victorio

Eric Carle Collage

Brandon Cruz Ruiz


Paige Sanders


Scarlett Sierra Chavarria


Avery Hein

Vases and sculptures

Will Reeder

Blue Giant Shrimp

Andrew Clayton

Art Without an Audience

Bryce McDermid

Line Monster

Calixto Bello

Perched Corvid

Lucas Alexander

Just Fine

Lily Rodriquez

Wallhanging/Clay Pot

Julia Lisse


Maregu Sullivan


Ashby Henrie

The Creature

London Likens Townes McGuirk

Mixed Media

Maggie Cantrell

Cardboard sculpture

Bayleigh Clark

Color Theory

Alexis Rhoades

Dragon Eye

Josiah Garcia-Thorn

Yazzie Caravel Dominguez

Pop Art

Peyton Gutierrez


Jasmine Melendez-Garcia

2D Design Prints

Lea Davies

Kyle the Produce Man

Nathan Burgoyne

Marker Portrait

Jaxon Rangel

St. Vrain Valley Schools